PR Newswire
“How to Effectively Manage the Cost of Supply Chain Disruptions”
Aug. 26, 2021
/PRNewswire/ – Alithya Group inc. (NASDAQ:ALYA) (TSX: ALYA) (“Alithya”), will host a live webinar with SupplyChainBrain on
Thursday, August 26
, at
1:00 p.m. ET
. The topic, ‘How to Effectively Manage the Cost of Supply Chain Disruptions,’ features Kari-Out, leading
manufacturer of
to-go food packaging, condiments and other products.
In this webinar attendees will hear how to use Microsoft technology with its real-time data to effectively manage changes in the supply chain; overcome obstacles of an ever-changing environment; employ best practices to anticipate the unexpected; and assess risk management trade-offs to overcome disruptions.
Register for the webinar here:
Webinar Registration
Quote from
John Scandar
, Senior Vice President, Microsoft Practice, Alithya:
Manufacturers across the globe experienced difficulties with their supply chains over the last two years ranging from quality and sustainability, risk mitigation and customer expectations as a result of the global pandemic. We are excited to have the opportunity to address these important topics that our customers experienced and how they addressed them. With this knowledge, they are now better prepared for future supply chain disruptions because of Microsoft technology
About Alithya and its Microsoft Practice
Alithya is a North American leader in strategy and digital transformation. The company employs more than 3,300 professionals in
the United States
, and
. Alithya’s integrated offer is based on four pillars of expertise: business strategies, enterprise cloud solutions, application services, and data and analytics.
Alithya is one of the largest Microsoft partners in
North America
, with a practice that covers Dynamics, Azure, Power Apps, Business and Advanced Analytics, Digital Solutions and Architecture. Alithya’s integrated offer is based on four pillars of expertise: business strategies, enterprise cloud solutions, application services, and data and analytics. Focused on business outcomes and delivering a digital transformation that starts with go-live, Alithya has delivered Microsoft solutions to hundreds of clients across manufacturing, professional services and healthcare industries.
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