Imperial Tobacco Canada invites governments and public health organizations to meet them halfway

MONTREAL, May 31, 2024 /CNW/ – On World No Tobacco Day, Imperial Tobacco Canada (ITCAN) calls for a renewed partnership between industry, governments, and public health to look beyond outdated views of tobacco control and work together to build a smokeless Canada.

“ITCAN supports Health Canada’s objective of reducing smoking incidence to below five percent by 2035 and to build a smokeless Canada,” said Frank Silva, President and CEO, Imperial Tobacco Canada. “We agree that cigarettes are the cause of real and serious health problems. We agree that kids should not use any tobacco or nicotine products. We also agree that if you are a smoker, you deserve access to a range of reduced risks product that could help you quit smoking.”

ITCAN and its parent company, BAT, have seriously invested in research and development on reduced harm products. The company’s goal is to accelerate this work.

“The reality is that we, a tobacco and nicotine company, are now leading innovation in reducing the harm caused by cigarettes,” said Mr. Silva. “Never before has there been so many options for smokers. We have the opportunity to dramatically reduce smoking rates in Canada.”

ITCAN’s portfolio already includes a wide range of reduced harm products and now offers a smoking cessation product. They want to continue to innovate and offer Canadians who smoke new ways of reducing their health risks or quit altogether.

“This transformation will only occur if we remain receptive to innovative approaches and acknowledge that the tobacco industry can also play a part,” said Mr. Silva. “We are doing everything we can to create a smokeless world. We ask that governments and public health organizations take a good long look at their objectives and ask themselves what they have to lose by meeting with us to discuss solutions that will make possible the realization of this goal.”

ITCAN stands ready to collaborate with governments and public health organizations to usher in a new era of tobacco harm reduction. By embracing innovation and supporting the development of reduced-risk products, ITCAN believe it is possible to significantly lower smoking rates.

”We call upon all stakeholders to set aside outdated perceptions and work together towards this common goal. With continued partnership and open dialogue, we can achieve substantial progress in public health and pave the way for a healthier future.” concluded Mr. Silva

About Imperial Tobacco Canada

Imperial Tobacco Canada is Canada’s leading tobacco and nicotine products company and is part of the world’s most international tobacco group: BAT. BAT is a global multi-category consumer goods business, operating in over 180 markets. At BAT, our purpose is to create A Better Tomorrow™ by Building a Smokeless World.

Our vision is for A Smokeless World built on smokeless products where, ultimately, cigarettes have become a thing of the past. A world where smokers have migrated from cigarettes to smokeless alternatives. A world where smokers make a Switch to Better. 

SOURCE Imperial Tobacco Canada

Featured image: © healthHJLE
